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You are viewing Cheat Codes for WCW Vs The World System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-09-09 01:14:19 Views : 22541 Sting X: Black costume (white scorpion on the T-shirt) Start: Old blue costume with blue face painting Play as Tiger Mask and The Giant: To play as both of these characters, you must beat every league with the same guy as a junior heavyweight and heavyweight. Once you beat all six of the leagues, a Super Jr./Heavyweight Division shows up under the last given league. Beat these and you have the Original Tiger Mask and The Giant. Tiger Mask will be in the top left corner and The Giant in the top right corner. Chino X: Gray and black trousers Start: Gray trousers with black nWo shirt Hulk Hogan X: Black and white nWo costume Start: Old yellow costume Alternate Uniform: To select your character's alternate uniform, highlight the desired character and press Start. Hidden Characters: To access the hidden characters, beat the game in League Challenge Mode with every league. When you've finished, go to the character select screen and scroll to the bottom. Easy Way to Win Quickly: Knock your opponent out of the ring. They don't defend themselves as well outside the ring. Keep knocking them down until the count reaches about 16 or 17, then throw them into the far fence and climb back into the ring, before the count reaches 20. You win. This saves time when you're trying to access the giant and Jaguar. Throw your Opponent out of the Ring: For an easier way to throw your opponent out of the ring, throw him off the ropes and stand fairly close to the opposite ropes. When he comes close to you press L1. Your wrestler will either do a leap frog or a duck down, and your opponent will go sailing through the ropes Pause While Getting Up Off The Ground: As soon as you get thrown or dropped on the floor when you see your man start to move to get up off the ground, hold down the square button and when your man is half way standing up,he will pause while getting up! Signature Moves: Charge your spirit meter up. While it's blinking, hold Circle to grab your opponent. Keep holding it down until your character raises his arms into the air, then release to perform a signature move. Tip: This is a lot easier if you beat up on your opponent first to get him stunned. Alternate costumes: Highlight Hulk Hogan, Sting, or Masahiro Chino at the character selection screen and press Start instead of X to play their old versions. Rally Cross 2 demo: Pause game play, press L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Up then resume game play. Make Your Opponent Groggy: To make your opponent groggy quickly, hit him with your special attack (R2, or Triangle + Square). Lift him up (Square) and use your special attack again. Keep repeating this until he becomes groggy. It will then be easier to do moves on him or get behind him. Random Selection: To choose a character at random, press CIRCLE at the character selection screen. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more WCW Vs The World cheat codes.
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